Prepare a croft plan

Digital data

In applications that cover a large area of ground or contain complex plotting onto the OS map then access to the digital data is beneficial. In such cases we would welcome, the digital data as this will allow us to process the application more efficiently. This will be especially pertinent useful when completing applications for common grazings or community mapping projects.

We can accept digital plans containing GIS (Geographical Information System) and CAD (Computer Aided Design) data in the majority of industry standard formats. Our preferred data format is ESRI .shp. When providing data you should supply the software name and version used to create it and ensure it’s presented in the co-ordinate reference system: British National Grid (EPSG: 27700).

Find out more about co-ordinate reference systems in the UK.

Please note that digital data does not replace the requirement for a plan. The exception being applications for common grazings and land held runrig submitted by the Crofting Commission.

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