Describing land

Information on describing land when making an entry in the Register of Persons Holding a Controlled Interest in Land (RCI).

Descriptions sufficient for land not registered to be identified

If the land has a postal address that will be sufficient for it to be identified.

If the land does not have a postal address more information is needed to describe where the land is. This includes:

  • the location of the land described using words
  • placing a marker of the land’s location to be placed on the on-screen map using a “pin drop” function
  • the approximate size of the land, all units of measurement are acceptable

What makes a good description?

Your description should be understood without the need for local special knowledge about the area. To describe the location of the land, you can refer to:

  • approximate measurements and physical features
  • boundaries

If the land is on the sasine register you can:

  • copy the description from the title deed
  • refer to the sasine title deed by providing the recording details, shown in examples 4-7 below

Examples of acceptable descriptions

  1. Field measuring 7.8 hectares lying to the northwest of the junction of A199 and B1347 roads and to the south and southeast of row of cottages known as Briarlea Mews Cottages, Haddington, EH41 3SB.
  2. Dunsappie Farm, Perth, being the land bounded by a line beginning on the  south side of the A924 road, opposite Emslea primary school, extending in a southwest direction for approximately 500 metres to the edge of Dunsappie Wood; proceeding southeast along the edge of Dunsappie Wood for approximately 1500 metres; from there northeast for approximately 400 metres to the A924 road, and continuing in the same direction for approximately 700 metres; then northwest for approximately 1,270 metres; southwest for approximately 680 metres to meet the A924 road; west along the road for approximately 160 metres to meet the starting point.
  3. Land bounded on the west by the housing estate known as Marksgate, Dalgety Bay; on the northwest by Cairnsmore Road, Dalgety Bay; on the north by the A921 road; on the east by Grove Hill Wood; and on the south by the access road to Davidson Hill quarry.
  4. 20 acres of land lying to the west of the A9 at Perth described in Disposition by John Orr recorded GRS (Perth) 23 March 1971
  5. 5 hectares of land lying to the south of Broomhouse farm described in Disposition to Jane Calder recorded GRS (Lanark) 7 January 1963
  6. 25 hectares of land at Alandale being the lands and estates of Westerton which forms part of the 60 hectares referred to in Disposition by Joseph Smith recorded GRS (Wigtown) 21 February 1914
  7. 15 hectares of land at Doveton being the lands and estates of Fairlea which forms part of the 100 hectares referred to in Disposition by Sandy Reid recorded GRS (Selkirk) 18 March 1932 under exception of parts sold
  8. The metals, minerals and substances capable of being worked commercially but excepting all coal or other minerals vested in the Coal Authority of their predecessors, within the area of ground at Ingliston, Edinburgh extending to 26.5 hectares and being the subjects described in Disposition to John Gregory and another recorded GRS (Midlothian) 17 February 1963

Examples of unacceptable descriptions

  1. Land west of the A9, near Perth
  2. Farm and lands of Muttonhall, Dunfermline.
  3. Farraday Farm, lying to the east of Sauchie, Clackmannanshire, and to the west of Kinshie Dam.
  4. Sandown Farm, Linlithgow, being field numbers 411, 412, 413 and 415.
  5. 40 hectares bounded by Golspie Water and Holden Burn, Laurencekirk.

It is not acceptable to use County Parish Holding (CPH) numbers to describe the land. We are aware that CPH numbers are allocated  by the Rural Payments and Inspections Division (RPID) and are used to identify agricultural land. However they are not an adequate description of land for the purposes of RCI.

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