Register of Persons Holding a Controlled Interest in Land (RCI)

All articles for this topic are listed below.

Do I need to register?

Checklists and guides to help you check if you need to register for RCI.

Categories of ownership or tenancy

Find out how to register if you are a individual, partnership, trust, unincorporated or overseas entity.

Before you create an entry

Learn about duties and offence provisions in RCI, as well as the timings and interactions with other RoS Registers.

How to create an entry

Guidance on how to create an account, create an entry and describe the land.

Managing an entry

Find out how to add, update or remove details on an existing entry.

Security Declarations

Find out more about security declarations and RCI.

Tell us

Find out how to tell us if circumstances change. This may be for example because of change of situation, change of name or if someone has died.

Help and support

Get additional support through our range of tutorial videos, our decision support tool and RCI flow chart.

Inaccuracies and appeals

Find out how to notify or action an inaccuracies and appeals or referrals to the Land Tribunal for Scotland.

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