The Crofting Register can offer a greater degree of certainty to those submitting community applications.
The map-based nature of the register means that boundaries and extents of crofts are less likely to be subject to challenge in the Land Court.
A ‘community application’ involves communities working together to map crofts as the basis for collectively applying to register the crofts in the Crofting Register.
Find out about ordering an extract of the Ordnance Survey map to help with your application for registration.
See our Crofting Register fees.
Community application benefits
The benefits offered by undertaking community mapping are as follows:
- It is an opportunity for local communities to work together to agree extents and boundaries in advance of applying for registration in the Crofting Register
- Once agreed, the likelihood of a challenge to the boundaries or extent of a registered croft in the Land Court is reduced
- Registration in the Crofting Register ensures that the status of crofting land is protected. Once registered, it will remain croft land unless it is formally decrofted
- Certainty as to the extent of crofting interests will assist in realising the economic potential of townships by identifying and protecting croft land
From 30 November 2013 registration in the Crofting Register became compulsory on the occurrence of certain events which are set out in the Crofting Reform (Scotland) Act 2010, however, the option to submit an application for voluntary registration remains.
Find out more about when to register a croft.
Registers of Scotland and the Crofting Commission are committed to supporting communities.
Contact our community liaison officer for support in putting together a community application and the process of registration, either by email, telephone or stakeholder meetings in crofting communities.
Phone: 0131 659 6111 ext 6399