Digital data

Digital data can be submitted in support of all registration application types, and this can greatly assist the registration processing of complex applications and applications in respect of large areas.

This guidance contains information about using digital data in your registration application, including mapping, formats, and labelling.

Submitting digital data

Digital data for all registration applications should be submitted to It should be noted in the further information section of the application form that digital data is being submitted by email, and the file reference should be provided.

Digital data for DPA (Deed Plan Approval) should be submitted to

Digital data for Plans Reports should be submitted via the Plans Reports service portal.

Please note that the digital data must accurately represent the legal position of the title to be registered, and is not a substitute for a plan that does not meet RoS Deed Plan Criteria.  As it forms part of your application for registration, you will certify that registration of the extent and other rights shown in the digital data will not cause the register to become inaccurate.

Where digital data is submitted in support of a 'triggered' application for registration, i.e., a deed induced application, the inclusion of digital data will assist the registration process but does not override the requirement that the application contain a plan that must meet registration requirements.

Plans can be submitted as images of a paper plan, .pdf or other suitable format with the other documents relevant to the application but must be of sufficient quality and scale to define the extent accurately in relation to the Ordnance Survey (OS) map from the plans, regardless of format. Where digital data is also being submitted, it would be beneficial if a .pdf of the overall extent of the subjects is also submitted to use as a visual representation. However, failure to provide a .pdf under such circumstances will not result in the application being rejected.

Where a voluntary registration application is being submitted which uses digital data as an alternative to paper-based plans, the application must include a .pdf to assist with the mapping of the subjects. Under these circumstances, failure to provide the .pdf will result in rejection of the application.

Where a complex application, other than a VR, is submitted for registration without digital data, as part of the registration process, digital data may be requested by registration officers if it is deemed this would be helpful, however the application would not be rejected if not available.

Base mapping

We use Ordnance Survey (OS) MasterMap topography layer to produce the cadastral map.

About the cadastral map
The cadastral map shows the registered rights, title and interests in land for Scotland.

The layer is the Ordnance Survey's most detailed, current, and comprehensive map dataset of Great Britain. All data must be created from this layer whether the data is digitised from paper maps or supplied directly from computer aided design (CAD) or geographical information systems (GIS).

It is essential that data you supply to us is created using OS MasterMap topography layer as its basis. In the case of boundaries which are not defined on OS MasterMap, the boundary must be digitised relative to any surrounding OS features. Use of other maps will result in misaligned data and provide insufficient detail to identify boundaries.

Data formats

GIS data should be supplied using the following essential criteria.

  • The preferred option for all spatial data is Esri shape file format. When submitting shape file data, the following files must be included: *.prj, *.dbf, *.shp, *.shx.
  • All data must be spatially referenced and projected to the correct datum and projection. All shape files must be submitted with a .prj file defining this projection and coordinate system. The correct datum and projection to use are cited below (
  • Datum: OSGB1936
    Projection: OSGB 1936 / British National Grid
    Geodetic CRS: OSGB 1936
    Ellipsoid: Airy 1830
    Prime meridian: Greenwich
  • All spatial data must be topologically correct (no gaps or overlaps).
  • The shape file must be of polygon geometry type and consist of one or more polygon features.
  • The shape file attribute table (.dbf) should individually identify and correspond to the deed plan.
  • The shape file must contain a single entry in the .dbf for each polygon. No multipart features will be accepted.
  • The data should be created using Ordnance Survey MasterMap topography layer as your base map. While it is not necessary to submit a separate feature or shape file depicting your base map it can be particularly useful to RoS in resolving temporal base map conflicts.
  • Other data formats, e.g. GeoJSON can only be accepted if the criteria listed above can be confirmed.

Data description/labelling

All data submitted to us must include the following information. There are no specific file-naming standards, however, the file name should be descriptive in terms of site name or site location.

Delivery date: the date the data is delivered to us

Revision date: the date of revision (where applicable)

Subsequent delivery date: date of delivery after revisions

Reference number: our reference number: cadastral number, application number or report number are all acceptable.

Summary: a summary of the contents of the data

Software version: the name and version of the software used to create the data

Contact: submitting organisation or individual names and contact information

File information: list of files submitted


Delivery date: 26/06/2022
Revision date: 27/06/2022
Subsequent delivery date: 30/06/2022
Reference number: BER71456
Summary: 1 polygon representing ownership rights and 2 polygons representing servitude rights. Servitude right amended to agree with registered title BER71455.
Software version: QGIS 3.22
Contact: A. Analyst, Mapping and Survey Ltd, the building, the town, the postcode. T 0131 659 6111 e
File information: myfile.shp, myfile.dbf, myfile.prj, myfile.shx

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