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19 results found


  1. Services fees

    Fees for information services, including copies of deeds and ownership searches.

  2. First registration of a croft

    of properties adjacent to your croft from Registers of Scotland or the Crofting Commission. ... You should pay by cheque, making your cheque payable to 'The Crofting Commission'.

  3. Who should register, and when

    Bequest. The legatee who gives notice of bequest to landlord and The Crofting Commission. ... Within 3 months of the date of reletting. Letting (following public notification by the Crofting Commission).

  4. Do I need to make an entry in the RCI?

    Although unlikely for agricultural or crofting tenancies, only a lease that is more than 20 years and recorded or registered in sasines or the land register falls within scope of RCI. ... making, they may be in scope, it is unlikely that more traditional

  5. Community applications

    The Crofting Register can offer a greater degree of certainty to those submitting community applications. ... Registration in the Crofting Register ensures that the status of crofting land is protected.

  6. Subsequent event affecting a croft

    You should pay by cheque, making your cheque payable to 'The Crofting Commission'. ... the Crofting Register as a result of the outcome of the regulatory application.

  7. Register a deemed croft

    If you have any enquiries, contact the Crofting Register team. Email:

  8. Event affecting a common grazing or land held runrig

    whilst providing a record to be kept by the Crofting Commission of the information presented in support of your application. ... You should pay by cheque, making your cheque payable to 'The Crofting Commission'.

  9. New common grazing registration

    Where the croft has already been registered in the Crofting Register, the Crofting Register Croft Number should be given. ... You should pay by cheque, making your cheque payable to 'The Crofting Commission'.